
Amplify is a Youth Health Collective in Tulsa, Oklahoma promoting healthy futures for youth through advocacy, collaboration, and education. 

Amplify addresses adolescent sexual health outcomes including unplanned teen pregnancy. Amplify leverages the strengths of young people, partner organizations, and trusted adults to provide and strengthen a network of educational, environmental, and social supports leading to positive adolescent sexual health outcomes. 

Key functions of the collaborative include training of classroom teachers and community-based sexuality educators; coordination and technical assistance support for community partners and schools implementing sexual health education; facilitating the Youth Leadership Council to ensure youth voice guides the collaborative work; outreach to parents and the general community about the importance of youth sexual health; advocacy to school administrators, policy makers, and the community for policies that promote healthy futures for youth; convening partners to achieve shared goals and avoid duplication of effort; and jump-starting new initiatives to address gaps in sexual health education programs. 

Learn more at amplifytulsa.org